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In short: SPF50 means there will still be 1/50 UV ray that penetrates through the sunscreen into our skin. In this sense, SPF30 blocks about 97% of the UV ray, which is actually very close to SPF50 in comparison. In other words, SPF50 blocks 98% of it.


BUT, do not overlook this 1% because if SPF30 can protect you from sunburn for 30mins, SPF50 will protect you for a good 50mins under the same condition. Before UV rays, this 1% makes a huge difference.


We recommend applying sunscreen with at least SPF30 in Hong Kong and selecting SPF50 if you look for stronger and longer lasting sun protection. And those with more than SPF50? The difference is in fact very minimal.


Although SPF and Broad-Spectrum are good indicators, probably a better way to select a sunscreen is to look at the ingredient list, as always! 


Let’s talk about some good sun blocking ingredients and our beautiful sunscreen next time!


Happy Skin Happy Life!